Tuesday, June 16, 2009

New Book by Adam Bien: Real World Java EE Patterns Rethinking Best Practices

Adam Bien has published his new book: Real World Java EE Patterns Rethinking Best Practices.

I am eager to get a copy of this book. Adam is a tireless advocate for pushing Java EE development further.

I hope this book is a big step in proving that Java EE development can be much easier and much more lightweight than we are experiencing it today in the trenches of enterprise IT.

Adams statement is: "Java EE 5 and 6 are a revolution and not just an evolution".
I think this insight has not yet found its way into the mindset of most Java EE architects. 250px-Neo.jpg Old-school heavyweight concepts from the ages of EJB2 still tantalize a lot of the Java enterprise projects.

To break free, radical steps are necessary. Best-practices have to be rethought, antiqued patterns have to be killed...

People are usually afraid of revolutions ... I hope Adam can be our saviour ;-)

BTW: If you are living in or near Switzerland, Adam will hold a workshop at the Workshoptage of ch/open. See you there!

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