Wednesday, June 17, 2009

IE vs. Firefox - Microsoft has to be desperate?

If this is not a joke, I don't know what is ...

Well, we all know how David versus Goliath ended ... though it is not bequeathed that Goliath went for a blow below the belt line ;-)


  1. user agent switching (there's a firefox plugin for it) will get you round the restriction...

  2. I bet it goes deeper than user-agents. Probably a rendering bug that Microsoft purposely left in IE8.

  3. But if Firefox did this it would be considered "cool" and "innovative".

  4. Anonymous #3: Mozilla would _never_ do this.

  5. firefox and user agent switcher does the trick for now. they might update once word spreads. IE8 user agent string "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0)", and firefox's user agent switcher addon Firefox User Agent Switcher

  6. hmm... so why is the link showing a different message where there is nothing about firefox

  7. In Chrome it makes mention of 'tarnished chrome' instead.

  8. Safari is "Boring Safari"

  9. just to be fair, MS also derides viewing the page in IE7...

  10. Wow, even viewing the page in IE8 the page says I'm using IE7. Good job MS.

  11. Firefox 3.5 (Shiretoko) is just "that browser".

  12. I would give IE8 a go, but it won't work on Linux.

  13. Oh no, my super-awesome browser lets me access all my friendface and facepages and all those other vanity flyers that control my nonexistent social life, but that is being threatened by a generic marketing campaign that simply makes use of targeted advertising by detecting the user agent of major competitors and is in no way aimed at one particular competitor! Whatever will I do?

    Seriously, what the fuck are you on? As Anon #3 rightly said, Firefox doing this would be an "awesome" thing and "lol, Micro$uck have no chance now!!!!!!!!!!!".

    As a user who gets nothing more than a "that browser" message, I originally thought you were taking the piss. Then I realised you're just an asshat. This is actually a fairly good advertising campaign, and you can't say it didn't work. If anything else, most of you switched to IE8 temporarily to see the result. That counts.

  14. Huh. With Opera, the page doesn't even EXIST.

    I'm going to try it out in Epiphany and see if anything comes up.

  15. Hmm, who said they tried w/ IE8? I'm not trying to sound elitist or anything, but I don't run Windows, so whatever.

    When sites say they only support Firefox, there is usually a good reason, such as the hacks to make it work in IE are too great. There is no technical reason that that site will only work w/ IE8, as demonstrated by all the people getting in w/ User Agent switching. And actually, when was the last time you've been to a site that said it was FF only? Pretty much never.

    Anyways, I agree that MS is wasting their time w/ this and nobody is going to switch browsers for this.

  16. When in doubt (or in desperation), always offer someone money and you'll get what you want.

  17. Opera is referred to as "that browser" too.

    Ironically, the browser people *should* be ditching, IE7, is refered to as "Windows Internet Explorer 7" and there is no such suggestion!

    They obviously realise the public won't go for their broken, slow browser. Why else would they be trying to bribe us? Tossers...

  18. Anon: I tried to download IE8 but i got this message:

    "We are sorry, but your Operating System is not supported by the ninemsn Optimised version of Internet Explorer 8."

    Do you think firefox would make a version that would run on OS X? How can i switch now????

  19. Microsoft is hoping that by typing a pork chop around its neck, it can get the dog to play? Better be a damn good pork chop...

  20. uhm, double standard?

    Go to in IE and it says "Using Internet Explorer is So 2006"

    So why not go after Mozilla for that first?

  21. @ricky
    it says that with firefox too

  22. I hope so badly for someone with Firefox + User Agent Switcher to win this! (and yes, it works, just tested it. The clues are now displayed.)

  23. btw: Firefox is available for osX

  24. check this out:

    Microsoft is even more desperate :D

    Download IE 8 for a "good" reason

  25. @Stefan

    That only gives me an "Install Silverlight" button. You wanna transpose what's in that lil applet they've made?

  26. Actually this is getting funy:

  27. Deadlink now.. they JUST removed it..

  28. Can anyone say IETab?

  29. Fsck it! We'll do it live! We'll do it live!

  30. I mean, you have to admit that it's pretty effective, I could use $10k.

  31. I have used both IE 8 and Firefox on the Blastoff Network website and Firefox loads and runs a lot faster

  32. IE is fast, faster than chrome obviously, by alot


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