This is another example where a real big boy is not using standard technologies that are brain-fed to foot-soldiers like me out here in the trenches of enterprise development. [Other examples are all the upcoming cloud-technologies: Google AppEngine, Amazon SimpleDB, Microsoft Strata ...]

Strangely, very often I stumble across enterprise-applications, that were entirely developed with those tools in a totally brainwashed and conform way. But they still suffer from exactly the problems that the tools promise to prevent (like performance, scalability, maintainability ...).
On the other hand, sometimes I get a glimpse behind the scenes of the real big boys, like eBay, Amazon or Google... and I get the impression, that there is not much of Java EE there.

I wonder, why might that be? Maybe I should start looking for the red pill...
I am very new to java, but I tried some JSF struggling around with it. I also during very simply tests (some hello world and some input form) stumbled upon a real bug in JSF. I was struggling for hours before searching the web if it is probably a bug.
ReplyDeleteSo I wonder: I am the first one using this? Can't really be I think?
But: There are so many frameworks and frameworks for the frameworks that the result must be an enormous performance impact.
So what I think: Google and eBay do it by using KISS (Keep It Simply Stupid) principles.
You can implement HTTP server using rough Java coding without JSP (where a lot of interpretation has to be done) - not talking about JSF or either object serialization. I also think that - whatever language you are using - you could produce quite fast and quite slow code. It depends on the experience of the programmer and how conscientious the programmer is.
Regarding java the most performance impact is on application startup what I have seen so far - no real issue for Google and eBay as they are always up.