Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Balsamiq Mockups

http://www.thinklocalsem.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/arrow-up.gif People who are involved in user interface development should definitely check out Balsamiq Mockups. I have successfully used the free online version, and would recommend the product for any project where UI design is involved.

Everybody interested in a Web 2.0 startup success story, should also have look at Balsamiq. Read this interview and this blog post.

1 comment:

  1. I love Balsamiq mockups! Use it almost weekly!
    However, software UI tools don't seem to solve the 'first ideas' or 'napkin drawings'. For some reason, I can't bring in software until the idea is a little more clear, since all UI software (incl. Balsamiq) only allow pre-set controls.

    To solve the early stages, I use:
    Very fun magnetic UI widgets for prototyping on a whiteboard. You should try them!


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