The following grape declaration for instance leads to the error:
@Grab(group='net.sourceforge.htmlunit', module='htmlunit', version='[2.4,)')
The reason is, that htmlunit has a dependency to xalan, and xalan cannot be resolved...
The problem can also be reproduced on the commandline:
grape resolve xalan xalan 2.7.1
The following error is printed on the console:
[FAILED ] xalan#xalan;2.7.1!xalan.jar: invalid sha1: expected=sha1(xalan-2.7.1.jar)= computed=75f1d83ce27bab5f29fff034fc74aa9f7266f22a (9927ms)
The underlying reason is the follwing bug in Ivy 2.0: IVY-1006.
The bug is supposed to be fixed in Ivy 2.1, but Groovy 1.6 bundles Ivy 2.0.
Meanwile a workaround is to manually download serializer-2.7.1.jar and xalan-2.7.1.jar from the maven repository and copy it at the place where grape would put it:
respective ~/.groovy/grapes/xalan/xalan/jars/
on OS X.
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