Saturday, July 19, 2014

Weekend Reader, Week 29

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On the News:

Translation of the Apple-IBM romance

You heard it, Apple and IBM are best friends now. But what does it mean? This funny post translates the press release into something that we can understand:

 Enterprises love hand holding more than fat kids love candy. Apple is going to offer them hand holding through IBM.


Reflecting on Software Engineering:

Software Environmentalism

My colleague Tudor is musing about how we can deal with the fact that software systems get larger and larger, and they are being created at an ever increasing rate.

We cannot continue to let systems loose in the wild without any concern for how we will deal with them at a later time.

He proposes:

No system should get away without dedicated tools that help us take it apart and recycle it effectively.

For the profession he concludes:

Software engineering is more about dealing with existing systems as it is about building systems.


The Maintenance Developer Myth and The Noble Art of Maintenance Programming

So, software maintenance and dealing with legacy code is only going to increase as software is eating the world. But introducing a chasm between “real” developers and “maintenance” developers is probably not going to help.


What are good developers anyway?

Why are we interviewing developers by asking architect questions? Is it really what we need? When we deal with legacy, architecture gets less and less important. Problem solving skills are what really matters ...


But software eventually collapses under it’s own weight

(the obligate wisdom from Steve Jobs, which seems fitting at that point)


On JavaScript:

Breach: A browser written in JavaScript

Atwood’s law exemplified: "Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript." is on sale!

If you want to learn JavaScript seriously, this screencast is a good starting point.


A JavaScript survival guide

If you are afraid of the pain of learning JavaScript, this post gives you some valuable survival tips.


Tech learning  recommendations:

Modern Structured Logging With Serilog and Seq

This is a interesting course on pluralsight. I am wondering what the alternative would be for the Java ecosystem? I guess I will attend the ELK workshop at ch/open Workshoptage in this regard.


Java Script Jabber Episode 106: Protractor with Julie Ralph

A good introduction to end-to-end testing in general and to the Protractor test framework. The episode also contains good discussions about software testing in general and gives insight about testing at Google.


Getting Started With Protractor and An Introduction to AngularJS End to End Testing with Protractor

If you are interested in Protractor, then this is a short tutorial and a longer introductory presentations


Some facts about Stateless EJB beans

It’s always good to repeat that stuff ...

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