Friday, December 13, 2013

Dichotomies in software development: Anti-Anti-If Campaign?

In the team I am currently working, a toy contest is going on among developers to reduce if-statements in the code-base to a minimum.

This goes along with the Anti-IF Campaign: LESS Ifs, MORE POWER:

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On the other side I recently stumbled across the following code examples from current "bleeding-edge" technologies:

Meteor: Hey cool, we can use the same code on the server and the client! We just have to check where we are and then do different things!

(From the official Meteor.js examples)

Appcelerator Titanium: Hey cool, we can use the same code-base for Android and iOS! We just have to check where we are and then do different things!

(From the appcelerator wiki: Supporting Multiple Platforms in a Single Codebase).

That just looks convincing. Next step on this path to enlightenment would probably be to put all the code in the same source file?

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