Thursday, October 29, 2009

SpecFlow - Pragmatic BDD for .Net

Some days ago TechTalk released SpecFlow as an open source project.


The mission of SpecFlow is to provide a pragmatic and frictionless approach to Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) and Behavior Driven Development (BDD) for .NET projects today.

The main website is at
The source code is hosted on GitHub: SpecFlow.
The wiki and issue tracking is at

We at TechTalk are successfully using SpecFlow in several projects.

SpecFlow was mainly developed on the background that using Cucumber on the .Net platform is currently painful and not frictionless at all. You can read more on Gaspars Blog.

SpecFlow was heavily inspired by Cucumber. It aims at bridging the communication gap between domain experts and developers by binding business readable behavior specifications to the underlying implementation.

To get an idea how this can be realized:

First write your scenarios in plain-text...step1.png

... then let SpecFlow execute them! step7.png


  1. I've been following Cuke4Nuke but I think this is better!

    By the way, have any plans of supporting SharpDevelop/MonoDevelop ?

  2. We are looking into running the commandline tool under Mono.

    However SharpDevelop/MonoDevelop integration is currently not on our radar.

    But hey, it is an open-source project... anything is possibe ...


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