Responsibility trap number one: Building a platform to make other (lesser) programmers more productive.
- Eric Evans at SET 2008
Hiding things from developers often requires more effort in the long run than simply trying to educate your developers as to how they should properly do their job.
- Educate Developers Instead Of Protecting Them by Davy Brion
Making development "safe" for lesser skilled developers by taking choices away from developers [...] does far more to hamper the efforts of your best developers than it does to make weaker developers more productive. I'll say that there is a silver bullet(s), it's: Skill. Knowledge. Experience. Passion. Discipline.
Again and again I come across projects, teams and companies that misuse the concepts of Abstraction and Encapsulation to establish a two class society among the developers.
Usually the framework-team members think of themselves as the gurus, the elite, the "real" programmers, while the business programmers are considered as "lesser" foot soldiers.
These attitudes are mostly shared and therefore promoted by management. Indeed the framework-programmers often have the better education and/or more technical expertise.
If the situation is really bad then the framework team does not like to mingle with the business-programmers and the worst thing is, when they are not even co-located.

As I don't believe in the factory analogy, I don't believe there is a situation where lesser developers have to be shielded/protected by a technical framework. The time to create a patronizing framework, would be better invested in teaching and exchanging knowledge.
In my experience, if a developer is not productive, then this is usually a management failure. Simple measures like assigning another task, changing the setup, pair programming, coaching, reviews etc. would usually improve the situation. I have seen projects where this has been achieved successfully, but in the above setup, this is usually not going to happen.
And in the rare case that you are really dealing with a net negative producing programmer (NNPP), no technological solution will save you... Abstraction and Encapsulation are pillars of object-oriented design. They are intellectual constructs to tackle complexity. They are technical tools and not a mechanism to legitimate team structure.
Using engineering techniques from object-oriented design to enforce team structure and separation feels just as wrong as applying Darwin's evolution theory to human societies.
I completely agree with you. Great post.
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