Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Vacation Book & Screencast List

This is my book list for my current four weeks of vacation:

Bhh5 xlargecoverTbcoffee xlargebetaNrtest xlargecoverCfcar2 xlargecover51ZmBE4huJL BO2 204 203 200 PIsitb sticker arrow click TopRight 35 76 AA300 SH20 OU0151KQ2P7V1RL SL500 AA300

The last one I am taking along old-school-dead-tree, the rest I bought as ebooks to read on my kindle.

Also I am looking forward to watch the recent tekpub and peepcode episodes:

Ft sullivan slideMvc3 slideNode js coverPlay by play jbarnette titleEventmachinePostgresql

... as well the latest railscast episodes.

1 comment:

  1. Wow you were reading html and programming books for during your vacation? I wonder how that will make you relax.


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